OCR + Liveness SDK
Field List
The fields below are automatically filled by the Legitimuz SDK based on the CPF provided in the cpf field.
Name | Element ID | Required | Description |
cpf | legitimuz-hydrate-cpf | Yes | Used for personal data enrichment and OCR + Facematch validation. |
name | legitimuz-hydrate-name | No | Name found based on CPF. |
motherName | legitimuz-hydrate-motherName | No | Mother's Name found based on CPF. |
legitimuz-hydrate-email | No | Email found based on CPF. | |
phone | legitimuz-hydrate-phone | No | Phone found based on CPF. |
birthdate | legitimuz-hydrate-birthdate | No | Birthdate found based on CPF. |
age | legitimuz-hydrate-age | No | Age found based on CPF. |
gender | legitimuz-hydrate-gender | No | Gender found based on CPF. |
nationality | legitimuz-hydrate-nationality | No | Nationality found based on CPF. |
sign | legitimuz-hydrate-sign | No | Sign found based on CPF. |
Name | Element ID | Required for Address Enrichment | Description |
zipCode | legitimuz-hydrate-zipCode | Yes | ZIP Code found based on CPF. |
address | legitimuz-hydrate-address | No | Address found based on CPF or the value entered in the zipCode field. |
addressNumber | legitimuz-hydrate-addressNumber | No | Number found based on CPF or the value entered in the zipCode field. |
neighborhood | legitimuz-hydrate-neighborhood | No | Neighborhood found based on CPF or the value entered in the zipCode field. |
complement | legitimuz-hydrate-complement | No | Complement found based on CPF or the value entered in the zipCode field. |
city | legitimuz-hydrate-city | No | City found based on CPF or the value entered in the zipCode field. |
state | legitimuz-hydrate-state | No | State (UF) found based on CPF or the value entered in the zipCode field. |
Name | Element ID | Required | Description |
referenceId | legitimuz-ref-id | No | Used when you want to add an identifier for an OCR + Facematch validation. |
withdraw | legitimuz-withdraw-value | No | Used when you want to add a withdrawal value. |
balance | legitimuz-balance-value | No | Used when you want to add a balance value. |