NameElement IDRequiredDescription
cpflegitimuz-hydrate-cpfYesUsed for personal data enrichment and OCR + Facematch validation.
namelegitimuz-hydrate-nameNoName found based on CPF.
motherNamelegitimuz-hydrate-motherNameNoMother's Name found based on CPF.
emaillegitimuz-hydrate-emailNoEmail found based on CPF.
phonelegitimuz-hydrate-phoneNoPhone found based on CPF.
birthdatelegitimuz-hydrate-birthdateNoBirthdate found based on CPF.
agelegitimuz-hydrate-ageNoAge found based on CPF.
genderlegitimuz-hydrate-genderNoGender found based on CPF.
nationalitylegitimuz-hydrate-nationalityNoNationality found based on CPF.
signlegitimuz-hydrate-signNoSign found based on CPF.


NameElement IDRequired for Address EnrichmentDescription
zipCodelegitimuz-hydrate-zipCodeYesZIP Code found based on CPF.
addresslegitimuz-hydrate-addressNoAddress found based on CPF or the value entered in the zipCode field.
addressNumberlegitimuz-hydrate-addressNumberNoNumber found based on CPF or the value entered in the zipCode field.
neighborhoodlegitimuz-hydrate-neighborhoodNoNeighborhood found based on CPF or the value entered in the zipCode field.
complementlegitimuz-hydrate-complementNoComplement found based on CPF or the value entered in the zipCode field.
citylegitimuz-hydrate-cityNoCity found based on CPF or the value entered in the zipCode field.
statelegitimuz-hydrate-stateNoState (UF) found based on CPF or the value entered in the zipCode field.


NameElement IDRequiredDescription
referenceIdlegitimuz-ref-idNoUsed when you want to add an identifier for an OCR + Facematch validation.
withdrawlegitimuz-withdraw-valueNoUsed when you want to add a withdrawal value.
balancelegitimuz-balance-valueNoUsed when you want to add a balance value.