
To install the Geoloc Monitoring SDK in your project, copy and paste the code below into the page where you want to use the SDK.

<script src="https://cdn.legitimuz.com/js/sdk/antifraude.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  const sdkInstance = LegitimuzAntiFraude({
    apiURL: "https://api.legitimuz.com",
    token: "your-integration-token",
    action: "signin",
    // Optional default is false
    enableRequestGeolocation: true

  // Mount the SDK


Before implementing the following code, it is important to ensure that the page contains the necessary HTML elements. The Geoloc Monitoring SDK requires an input element with the id attribute set to legitimuz-action-send-analisys. This element is used for CPF input.

<input id="legitimuz-hydrate-cpf" type="tel" inputmode="numeric" max-length="11" />

Additionally, the page must include a button element with the id attribute set to legitimuz-action-send-analisys.

This button is not essential, but it is used to submiting the CPF and actions to the SDK.

Ensure that these elements are present on the page before proceeding with the implementation of the code above.

Does your code have a different writing pattern? Don’t worry, you can change the element selector through the methods exported by the SDK.